Sometimes, even hung over during an assembly, a person can have a good day.
Sometimes, even having 5150ed people right before graduation, a person can have a good day.
Sometimes, even with grades hanging over one's head, a person can have a good day.
Sometimes, a person's cell phone makes the tiniest blip of a noise, and the person is startled because they have dropped their phone so often that the phone rarely makes any kind of wurble and then realizes they have just gotten a text message.
Sometimes the text reads: I love you so much i'm sorry.
Sometimes that text is from a student.
Sometimes that person calls the student and says, I love you fiercely too, I am so happy to receive your text, and what exactly does this mean? Did you hurt yourself? Are you thinking about hurting yourself? And though the person promises that they haven't, they are not believed and when they start to get tired the person has to say to the sleepy and acting strange but no longer weeping controllably person: Do you have any idea how much I love you? I love you to the point that it would devastate me; it would change my life unalterably, I might never ever recover, if something were to happen to you. And the other person says: I took 50 Tylenol. And so the first person says: When? /A half hour ago. / You have to walk outside with me on the phone and you have to tell your dad what has happened and I need to talk to him, ok? / Ok.
And sometimes the person is meanwhile on the phone with another person getting them to call the dad's cell and tell him that his child might die if he doesn't get that child to the ER right then WHILE keeping the person awake and on the phone so the person says, Oh hey, um, I need to call you back later because my dad is at the door and he says that we have to go to the hospital now.
And so the person says, OK, I will talk with you later. I can't wait.
So sometimes a person gets a text message that changes their day dramatically. And thanks any possible diety for hearing one tiny bleat.