
More skills to pack a CV with... my paper pushing future is now secure....

I know you are all excited that I have left behind the Literary Olympic sport of Crafting and Arranging the Perfect Paragraph [that's CRAPP, to you]. Today, my class moved on to a much more meaningful graduate school topic.... the Where's Waldo search for Cohesion Words. Yes, I spent three hours this evening using an array of Smelly Markers (you know the kind) to circle every Additionally, In contrast, However, Moreover, The above, Overall (and yes, the list, it just keeps chuggin). Not on one of my papers, mind you - which would be a fruitful Where's Waldo task of its own, since it turns out I no longer believe in finishing or turning in papers, woops - but rather on some random probably dead former graduate student's paper. Luckily, such a silent (apart from my compulsive muttering) and olfactory activity lent itself to ample reflection on my part about how continually surprising it is to re-realize that this is NOT actually an English class I am mistakenly attending. Now, normally even such omphaloskeptic tasks can be made better through the inclusion of Smelly Markers, but not today. Henceforth today will be known as The Limitations of Smelly Markers Becomes Apparent Day [I am not even bothering to come up with an acronym here, folks]. Play taps, people, it is the end of an era.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No! No! Say it ain't so! I refuse to believe. The real situation must be that either a) these were poor imitation Smelly Markers masquerading as the real thing, or, more likely, b) your sense of smell has been dulled such that you can no longer smell the Smelliness.