
Haiku, Haiku, Set Me Free

Haiku my main means
To maintain sanity while
I sit, butt numb.

Here class paragraphs
turn poetry from me, dreams,
count five seven five.

Teacher rhyming speaks
My math mind keeps time. I grin.
She stops. Stares. Frowns. Glares.

Instant Messaging

Inside basement walls
Creep in outside southern calls.
Bless the wireless.

Drab walls florescent
Create concrete haiku lines
What minds can grow here?

Tonight in class I learned to write a paragraph. I am almost positive I suffered through that last week, but such apparently is the life of a wheeling hamster, which may in fact be my animal. 2 hours. Scissors. Glue. One paragraph. Yagadabekiddinme....

I am even too tired to laugh hysterical about it or get all PTSD-y.

So rather than finishing the most seriously TWISTED lesson plan I have maybe ever created, I will blog dribble. Nice. Really nice.

Please, everyone, live vicariously for the likes of me, wouldja?

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