
Cranky Grad Girl Loses Her Mind, Season 2

Allow me to point out that it is now 34 minutes past the official end of classtime. So the word bitter doesn't even come close to describing me. The grand SHE has now said, "One more thing, and I will let you go," three times and "Oh and S., did anyone tell you yet that your advisor is taking the rest of the year off starting next week?" (Um... no...) "You should really get yourself a different advisor. Are you still trying to complete your masters this spring?" once, which is really one too many times to be delivered such news during the class break.

-- -- -- -- Haiku: the only way to deal -- -- -- -- -- --

[Note-- can anyone tell me-- is "wild" one or two syllables? What about "smile"? Hmmmmmmmm. Boy, academia sure makes ya smarter.... And more knowledgeable, eh?]

Outside: yellow sun
Goes orange, blows breeze and shadows
to taunt me: Inside.

What to do in class
Internet signal sucks ass
Clock-watch? Hurl? Perhaps.

Teacher mills about
Suspiciously screen glancing
Mostly at me. Why?

Sharpened pencil tip
Point in line with eye. Insert?
Break comes just in time.

She uses words like
drafty-draft, nifty, while I
glower, eyes beading.

M.E.d: Short for
Masters in Navel-Gazing
and Piece of Shit Ed.

This wild haired teacher
Keeps us late, trapped, an airless
Clockless room. We wait.

Professorial Deep Thought quote of the day (the Frazzled Fräulein apparently talks in haiku too):

Although you are all
precious individuals,
you are not unique.

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