
The Haiku: My Personal Key to Staying Calm in Class

Introduction: My neighbor, before he passed this year, was 96. For years, he used an old manual typewriter to write haikus about his cat and put them under my door. Many of them were about the cat's food and how the cat didn’t like to share with the ants. He inspired me to return to haiku writing. Perhaps he should 'ave thunk twice..... Especially since I am stuck in this inane required course.

1. Suffering through class
Sun on shoulders but through glass
Teasing me, perhaps.

2. Competitive peeps
practice "get ahead" over
"get together." I barf.

3. Guessing I won't pass.
Turns out I questioned ethics
of my teacher. Woops.

4. Dyad partner shakes
and sweats. A coke addiction?
Or malaria?

5. Outside, trees blossom.
Theory-only "research" class
Inside. I want out.

6. No working email
To quiet my screaming mind.
Passing time, I type.

7. Students are funny.
I'd make stories in my head.
But truth laughs harder.

8. Woman on laptop
Plays solitaire in first row

9 Rise from desk with moon.
She sick while orange sky sun sets.
I am free at last.

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