
Sometimes Other People Offer You Spirit Animal Guides

Meem, bless her dear sweet deliciousness, has taken to dreaming for me, since she somehow psychically knows I no longer get enough sleep to go into REM....:

Meem's Dream

"You were taking surfing lessons."
[Editor's note.... first indication that this is, indeed, a dream]
"You were on the beach with an instructor, then it was time to go in the ocean.

"I [that's Meem y'all, keep up] was up on some cliff watching you bob up and down in the water when a huge grey whale popped out in front of you.

"You screamed. Ducked underwater.

"But turns out it didn't eat you. In fact, it didn't want to hurt you at all, it was just playing.

"It was a bit short for a grey whale, might have been a baby.

"Then my little brain coasted off into thinking about what it would be like to be swallowed by a baleen whale...."

Thanks, Meem, for dreaming for me. I appreciate it, AND I am glad you are back in the Sucka Free with me. Missed you somethin' fierce.

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